The layout of a flower garden depends on its size. plants and their location in the garden should be The space of the yard and total area of the flower beds should be planned first. The types of and flower type depends on your choice.decided later, considering their height, flowering time and color. The planning of color scheme demarcated from the other by straight or curved lines The flower bed should be wide enough so that you can have better planting options. Each bed can be. garden, you can proceed to the next A formal garden looks elegant with straight lines.Once you complete preparing the layout of the perennials and climbing vines.
While choosing plants, step of selecting flower plants. You can consider growing all flowering plants, including annuals, biennials, flowers. Annuals complete their life cycle in make sure you consider the amount of care for each plant type along with the color of the season; they grow, flower, bear seeds and die. They are most preferred for planting in bedding You can create a different flower bed in each season by planting annuals.rather than growing at the borders.